DBS heritage gears
Worm Gears
Our business is steeped in history, with a wide range of heritage brands and gears, which spans almost three centuries. As a leading global power transmission provider, we have the IP and expertise to service and repair a wide variety of gear systems.

Our services
Worm Gears
As one of the original manufacturers of the worm gear, we have the IP and knowledge to provide a full range of Aftermarket services to assist you with your serivce, repair and overhaul requirements.
On-site service
Gearbox repair
Lifecycle management and proactive servicing
Gearbox upgrade to higher performance ratings
Drop in replacement gearboxes
Strategic spares management
Tell us about your requirements.
Our team of specialist service experts are always on hand to ensures your equipment is installed to the highest standards, whether from our workshops or onsite at your premises. We are here for you 24/7/365.