Global Operations Director appointed member of German Gear Association

David Brown Santasalo is delighted to announce Oliver Viehweider, Global Operations Director has been appointed a member of the scientific advisory board of the FVA; Forschungsvereinigung Antriebstechnik e. V. (The German Gear Association).
The FVA is the world's most successful and largest drive technology research and innovation network. Since 1967, industrial developers and scientific researchers have been working together on basic pre-competitive questions of drive technology. This form of industrial collaborative research provides the basis for product innovations of more than 200 FVA members. Over 1700 projects with an investment volume of more than 230 million euros have been carried out by the FVA over the past 50 years.
Having been approached by the CEO of the FVA to join the advisory board, Oliver saw many synergies with the association and was pleased to join such a forward-thinking, innovate organisation. The appointment also provides Oliver with the opportunity to present the interests of David Brown Santasalo and lead potential research projects on our behalf.
Going forward, Oliver will be joined by Frank Kassing, Global Capital Sales Director in representing David Brown Santasalo in international public forums and on future scientific projects of gear design. Furthermore, Oliver will have access to more than 1700 research projects which could prove influential to our future gear design innovations.
Oliver looks forward to his first official engagement with the FVA in late September, where he will represent DBS in discussions with the other members to select which of the 30 introduced research projects will be processed. It is an honour to be appointed to this panel, as there is only one seat available for each company involved.
Oliver Viehweider, Global Operations Director at DBS said, “I am very pleased to be invited into a highly motivated environment with like-minded experts on gear design and development for the future.”
The FVA is a sister organisation of VDMA; Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau (The Mechanical Engineering Industry Association) which represents around 3,300 member companies in the SME-dominated mechanical and systems engineering industry in Germany and Europe. To find out more about these organisations, please visit and